Monday, January 28, 2013

RN #201 Welsh Name Analysis

Welsh names as recorded in history represent a window into the culture and language of this Celtic people.  A particular clan system (family) and  tribal organization is represented  among the names recorded.  This notebook contains my research into this Welsh naming process recorded upon the pages of history.   The alphabet and naming method was analyzed from the names 470's to 790's.  The Welsh language was being formed during this period.  How the name was used and recorded was grouped by its organization. (Spelling and word order.)

There were 355 historic Welsh  names recorded during this period.  Word (name) order was:

"name" ap "name" recorded 161 times = 45%
     eg. Griffith ap Res

"name" "qualifier" recorded 68 times = 19%
     eg, Yevan Gogh

"name" ap "name" ap "name" recorded 63 times = 18%
     eg. Yevan ap Howel ap Kenn

"name" ap "name" "qualifer" recorded 20 times = 6%
     eg. William ap Yevan Lippa

"qualifer" "name" ap "name" "qualifier" recorded 16 times = 5%

There were additional forms and name order.  A detailed chronology of these names, their alphabet, and word order is contained.  My research over many years.

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