Saturday, February 16, 2013

RN #216 Working Chronologies

This notebook contains the chronology, year by year, of the early family members.  This technique allowed me to list each family member identified upon the pages of history.  Using the family coding system and color coding, a year by year account was outlined.  Beginning with known dates, it provided a way to estimate time lines for each individual.  An example is shown:

Starting with accepted dates, such as the death of Hywel Dda 950 AD, the known family members were placed in birth order.  They were then placed by drawing distinct lines representing their life among the pages.  Using known estimates such as life expectancy, age of military service, etc., one could being to place dates and a time frame in which to work.

The next page in sequence is shown above.  The time line is continued for each individual.  Thus a way to help establish time lines, associated dates, and to see if there is any conflict between individuals and their place among the family tree.

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