Tuesday, July 10, 2012

RN # 7A. Welsh Names : A Language Study

After a few years, the number of notebooks began to multiply.  Having outlined a series of notebooks by subject [1,2,3,... etc.], I had to add additional notebooks dealing with the same topic.  Thus, the A, B, C,...etc. was added to the number that was already used, if it dealt with the same subject or topic.  Therefore, RN # 7 dealt with Welsh literature.  RN # 7A. dealt with Welsh names and naming used in the literature.

This notebook is my attempt to study Welsh names as they began to appear and be utilized in the English records.  It contains:

Welsh mutations.
Welsh adjectives.
The Annales Cambriae 447-954 AD
Listing of Welsh/Anglo-Saxon literature.
Listing of Heraldic Collections. Wales
An Analysis of Welsh Names Recorded in Patent Rolls 1300 AD - by Alphabet
Welsh abbreviation (from College of Arms - England)
List of Territorial Divisions of Bygone Wales.
Guide to Welsh origins of place names in Britain. (Ordnance Survey)
Alphabetical listing Welsh names in study.  1300 AD

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