Friday, November 8, 2013

How To Use This Blog

"Just the facts, ma'am...just the facts" so states Sgt. Joe Friday from the TV series Dragnet 1951 - 1959.
Having just started my genealogy adventures in 1959, this statement would echo in my memory.

This blog contains an outline of just the facts.   It is a topical listing of the readings, research, analysis, documentation, and results of more than 50 years of JONES surname tree climbing.  It list the collection of this work containing the subjects grouped by notebooks.  They are presented as "research notebooks" (RN).  They are numbered from RN #1 through, RN #247.  They cover a multitude of subjects that have been important in my own tree climbing experience.  With the surname JONES, you can imagine what a number of topics this might include.

To use this blog, just put in a topic/subject in the "search this blog" option to the upper right.  The subject/topic that it contains will appear along the top of the page.  You can then go to the notebook by clicking on the title of the RN # that comes to the list you have searched.  The notebook will outline the documents/topics that have been researched for this subject.  A broad general subject list is as follows:

Welsh history, language, culture...etc. type in Wales.
English history, language, culture, society, etc...would contain Anglo-Saxon, Norman, etc...
Colonial Virginia history and settlement...
Early Virginia counties and settlement...
Revolutionary War...
Associated surnames that are linked...(have to type in a surname)
Early Kentucky settlement and migration
Early religious groups, and settlements
The Jones surname in Wales, England, Ireland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina...etc.
My Jones family research by individual generations, groups, topics, chronology, etc.
My Jones family DNA
Cultural and social factors that are important.
Military records and documents
Census records
British archive records
Special collections researched and many other topics you might consider when researching the surname JONES. might say...just the facts.  Give it a try.

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