Monday, September 21, 2015

RN #263 Rappahonnock River Maps

This notebook contains a series of hand drawn maps of Rappahannock River.  It begins at the mouth of the river and goes to the head waters.  They are drawn to scale, each connecting to the next numbered 1 - 6.  An example is shown below:

It begins at Farnham Creek and moves up stream at 1 mile intervals. [Early surveys done by "mile markers".  My JONES family interest had to do with "Jones point" and "Jones creek".  Rice Jones located at the first, and my Richard Jones located at the second.  As it turns out, they are locations along the river that are opposite to one another.  As my family tree expanded, they ended up being from the same family. [Most likely brothers!]  My family moved up and down this river from 1673 to 1811.  These maps helped me get around a number of brick walls.


  1. My William Jones, born 1793-1875 lived very close to the confluence of the Rappahannock and Radian Rivers. It is a beautiful location located at Germanna Ford.

  2. How neat is that! Have you seen reference titled "Forgotten Companions: The First Settlers of Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburgh Town " (with Notes On Early Land Use) by Paula S. Felder. There were lots of JONES families in this area.
